Just another laowai!!!


Luxury Simplified

There are moments when I realize that I'm truly blessed to be in the place, in this career, that I've fallen into. Although the financial havoc that the economy has wreaked on me has certainly been pervading my thoughts and moods of late, forcing me more and more into reclusion - out of solely economic necessity - in some ways this has been a blessing in disguise. It has dished me a mixed plate of sweet and sour frugality, a lesson I hope that will inspire lifelong wisdom in my financial affairs. And in doing so, it's reminded me of the beauty, the comfort and serenity that accompany simplicity. It's also helped me discover an even deeper appreciation for the finer, more meaningful things in life: a good night's sleep, an afternoon buried in a thrilling read, naps, playing tirelessly with Maiya, writing until my hands moan of soreness; and how much the splurging on a cup of the finest espresso tastes so heavenly.

It's times like this that I have to take a step back and be grateful. Although work is frighteningly slow, I do still have a job (many here can't say the same). I have my health, a comfortable place to call home, ample food and clothing, and a darling companion in Maiya.

Most of all, however, it's days like today that I owe the largest debt of gratitude. Spooning handmade tiramisu into my mouth, meshed with splashes of the finest cappuccino my tastes buds have ever made acquaintance with, thumbing sluggishly through a novel, Sade and Miles Davis gracing my ears with their warm serenades - being able to sit here in this cozy little haven of a coffee shop on an ordinary Tuesday afternoon makes me happy to be alive. What better way to spend this time than in such simple luxury?


The wheels on the bus go round n' round

I've been meaning to update this for several days, but have found many excuses not to.

The past couple weeks have been both good and bad, but in no way really bad. The economic crisis has taken a serious toll on so many here. Even my work has been affected by it, resulting in some serious penny-pinching. And with all the extra free time I've been afforded, I had a little relapse of carpal tunnel.

On the brighter side, I've been doing a lot of reading and writing. A friend suggested a really cool blog that takes letter submissions. I wrote a couple for it. And now I've decided that I like the idea so much, I've started one of my own, for my own and anyone else's amusement. Check it out: http://onymousletters.blospot.com .

As you all know, the elections are over. I really didn't have much faith that Obama was going to take the cake, so it was a truly joyous day when he won. I don't know why I was so happy, other than the fact that I have nothing but disregard for Emperor Bush and his cronies. I watched his acceptance speech three times, and it moved me more than I ever could have expected. I guess you could say it restored much of the faith I lost in the U.S. and where it's been heading. "Yes, we can!"