In Response...
A few people have asked what I've been keeping myself busy with these days. Well, other than work, I've been involved in a few things. Here's a short summary of what's going on in my life at present.
I've been doing lots of reading. For several months, I've been building a bibliography database to catalog things I've read and come across (for future writing and academic pursuits).
I've been writing again, regularly. I'm working on an old project -- a Chinese-English lexicon -- that I began putting together many months ago. This is something I hope to publish here in the not-too-distant future. I also started a new book project, and have tried wrestling with the one I began four years ago that has been sitting collecting dust. I'm writing poetry again, something I haven't done since I was a teenager.
I just finished editing the third installment of a four-book series that a colleague and I co-wrote a couple years ago for our school. Of the previous two books, I've heard a lot of praise from other teachers, which is by far more rewarding than the money received, and makes worthy all the time we invested in putting it together.
I got a contract as primary editor for a local business English textbook writer, for his next five books. This is a big deal to me, not only because of who he is -- highly known and respected in the field -- but also because it might open up doors with others, including his publishing company.
I bought an oven this year, so I've been doing a lot of baking. I plan to have a Christmas cookie-making party this year, something I've attempted with toaster ovens (what a hassle!) the past couple years.
Aside from all that, I'm trying to take better care of myself by getting more sleep, making better use of my downtime, meditating daily, getting more exercise, and eating better. Life is good, but it's also short.
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