Just another laowai!!!


A First for Everything

Today I was walking, on my way to the MRT station, passing Mackay Hospital. A young woman saw me and asked me for directions to an address nearby. Granted, this is a bustling place, with locals young and old coming and going, and taxi drivers waiting at the curb for their next fares.

Unshaven, baggy jeans, sporting my foreignness, I was taken aback -- she chose to ask ME, in Chinese mind you, for directions! She wasn't a foreigner looking for a friendly English speaker to help her out. She didn't ask my name or number, or anything else about me. Judging by her accent, she wasn't an overseas Chinese either. She was Taiwanese, and she asked me, of all the people moving about and standing around, to give her directions. In Chinese. Talk about irony...


Dengue Fever, and Jazz Festivities

Out on my back balcony I have a mosquito problem. Every time I go out to do laundry, I'm swatting those little bastards left and right. Not only are they mosquitoes, but those pesky little "zebra-striped" buggers -- thin, super-fast, "smarter" than the average clumsy ones I usually catch in my hands. I've heard time and time again people here say that they can make one sick. Unbeknownst to me, I've not yet become sick from their bites. But, damn, do they itch like hell!

Just the other day a friend told me they are the carriers of Dengue fever. I'd never checked it out myself, but sure enough, those are dangerous little things. And they live out near my balcony, trying to feed on me every time I go out there. I'll be sure to wear more, and better arm myself from now on.

This weekend kicks off the Taichung Jazz Festival, armed with a wide assortment of jazz greats, young and old, from around the world. This is going to be a fantastic event I'll be certain to attend -- with or without dengue fever. ;)

Check it out:


On Aging...

Some things I'm learning day by day:

The excitement and busy-ness of crowded places -- department stores, night markets, sardine-can-like Taipei buses -- has lost all its appeal. The elbow to elbow bustle wears me down!

Late nights out, without the sipping, can and most likely will cause a hangover. And these can last for days after adding up the brown bottles.

Dating is not fun. It, too, has a hangover effect, but on the bank statement.

Writing agents, despite being nice and encouraging, can be mean, cruel SOBs.

There are few things that a vodka lime can't cure.

Wit combined with a sense of humor, an acute ear, good manners, and a sincere smile, can charm even the most so(m)ber sourpuss.

The eyes always tell.

Humidity is not a friend.

A good friend is not afraid to be frank, even if it hurts like hell.

A cup of good tea, good music, and a good book equate to greatness.

Sometimes it "just is." In these times, the only logical response might be "WTF?".

Even if she's not always right, Mom always knows best.